Southern Tagalog Time |
If you have paid already your 2015 annual membership dues and your name is not yet in the list, please email us at plaistrlc[at]gmail[dot]com or send us a private message in fb. Thank you.
Pres: Elvira B. Lapuz, NCRLC
EVP: Stephen B. Alayon, WVRLC
VP-L: Sonia S. Isip, IRLC
VP-V: Virginia P. Mollaneda, CeVRLC
VP-M: Anita C. Sornito, SRLC
Sec: Carina C. Samaniego (appointed)
Treas: Virginia C. Ramos, CLRLC
Aud: Virginia R. Santos, SRLC
PRO: Rene B. Manlangit (STRLC)
Thelma S. Kim (CARLC)
Virginia P. Medrano (IRLC)
Venus I. Guyos (CaVRLC)
Roilingel P. Calilung (CLRLC)
Lilian C. Rabino (STRLC)
Rolando P. Oloteo (BRLC)
Elisa V. Garcia (WVRLC)
Rainera C. Boholst (CeVRLC)
Erlinda G. Ayles (EVRLC)
Leticia A. Cansancio (DRLC)
Carmelita T. Agustin (ZPRLC)
Hasmin M. Abdulhamin (ARMMRLC)
Jane P. Singuran (CRLC)
Elizabeth R. Peralejo, NCRLCChair - Michael A. Pinto, CaVRLC
V-chair - Marilou L. Pasion, CARLC
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