Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Posting of Announcements

PLAI-STRLC accepts announcements of any librarian/libraries activity (e.g. Forum, Seminar, Seminar-Workshop, Bookfair, etc.) in the country sponsored by any professional library organization/institution. It must contain the following information:

title of event
short description
date and time of activity
sponsoring group/organization
contact numbers
and seminar fees, if applicable.

Photos and images will also be accepted, provided these are in jpeg format (with 300 dpi). Email your announcements to plaistrlc(at)gmail(dot)com at least one month before the scheduled activity.

PLAI-STRLC reserved the right to edit, proofread, compile the announcement for brevity, clarity and the right to reject for reasons including, but not limited to, materials written in language(s) we are not familiar or contain highly "technical graphics or videos" or materials that are libelous, defamatory, or pornographic. Thank you.

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