Monday, March 09, 2015

Call for Applications: PAARL Master's Thesis Grant

This grant shall assist a member in his/her Master's Thesis through a Cash Award of Ten Thousand Pesos (Php10,000) to be given in two (2) installments (50% upon approval of application, and remaining 50% upon submission of the thesis)

Requirements of the Grant:
1- Letter of application, accompanied by a research proposal describing the research work to be undertaken, including its significance and the proposed methodology to be used
Schedule for completion
2- Budget and budget justification for items for which support is sought (such as printing and binding, statistical consulting, typing or encoding time, transportation, supplies, and similar expenses)
3- Letter from thesis adviser endorsing the proposal
4- Curriculum Vitae (with recent photo)
5- Copy of the thesis after completion and approval

Applicant must meet the following qualifications:
1- Completion of all academic requirements for the masteral program
2- Approved thesis proposal
3- PAARL membership for the last three years
4- Not a recipient of a similar thesis assistance or grant from any other organization or institution

Interested applicants may send their application to:

Chair, Awards and Scholarships Committee
Philippine Association of Academic/Research Librarians, Inc.
Chief Librarian, Technological Institute of the Philippines
938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Contact Nos. 911-0964 loc. 626

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