Friday, July 14, 2017

Online Survey : PLAI National Congress Participants from 2013-2016

Factors Affecting the Attendance of Filipino Librarians and Library
Staff to PLAI National Congress from 2013 to 2016: A Survey

I would like to invite you to participate in this survey. Please repost, share, or tag your friends who have attended any of the PLAI Congress from 2013 to 2016.

Thank you,
Stephen Alayon

Link to answer the survey =>

The study aims to gather baseline data regarding the factors which motivated Filipino librarians and library staff to attend the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) Annual National Congress.

The study will determine the factors which affected the attendance of the Filipino librarians such as: 1) Destination stimuli, 2) Professional and social networking opportunities, 3) Educational opportunities, 4) Safety and health situation, and 5) Travelability, using the measurement scale developed by Yoo and Chon (2008).

If you are a FILIPINO LIBRARIAN/LIBRARY STAFF AND HAVE ATTENDED THE PLAI CONGRESS 2013 (Iloilo), 2014 (Manila), Laoag City (2015) , and Davao City (2016) may we request you to answer the survey. We would appreciate your help and cooperation in this survey.

Rest assured that your responses will be used solely for research purposes and would be treated in strict confidence.

Thank you for your prompt response to this survey. Thank you.

Daryl L. Superio (1), Kristen Anderson (2) , Mary Grace H. Oliveros (1) , Elvi S. Nemiz (1), Stephen B. Alayon (1)

1 SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines
2 University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, Hawaii, USA
General Instruction: Please fill-in required information or check the button/box provided for the item(s) that correspond(s) to your answer. Items with (*) at the end, are REQUIRED questions. Please be informed that you cannot submit your answer to the survey if you missed an item/left an item unanswered. If your answer is not within the choices, kindly type in the correct answer in Other:______________

Link to answer the survey =>

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