Sunday, November 04, 2018

Book Review : 2 Filipiniana Books

In the Philippine Star news today, a book review in the column of Elfren S. Cruz mentioned two (2) "Philippine published books that are great readings". A possible worthy addition to our library Filipiniana collection.


I have rediscovered these past few days that long weekends are great for reading books; and, that there are still so many Philippine published books that are great readings. Here are two discoveries on my reading journey during the recent Undas holidays.

LINEAGE, VISION, EMPIRE: Don Francisco “Paquito” Ortigas Jr. by Alfredo Yuson, Reyes Publishing 2018 .

OCCUPATION: 1942-1945 by Benito Legarda Jr., published by Vibal Foundation, 2016.

Read the full article HERE. Thanks PS.

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